I never cease to get amazed when finding out new things which I have been so ignorant about! After 20 years of owning a drivers licence I found out this piece of information today.
Do you know how to find out on which side of your car you fill in with gas? It is probably easy to remember when you drive your own car, but how about when driving a rented car or your friend’s car?
Shortly, the dashboard of your car has a fuel gauge where there’s also a gas pump icon. Some cars have an arrow next to it which will tell on which side is the tank. If there’s no arrow, the side on whih the icon is placed will simpluy tell the side of your tank!
>> Read the full article in Finnish here: http://www.mtv3.fi/koti/tee_itse/artikkeli.shtml/2013/10/1826555/tasta-tiedat-kummalta-puolelta-auto-tankataan
Some vocabulary to help you with the article in Finnish:
sijainti = location
huoltoasema = gas station
kojelauta = dashboard
bensamittari = fuel gauge
bensatankki = gas tank
tankin täyttöaukon = gas tank mouth
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