Today, 10.11.2013 is Father’s day in Finland. Watch this video where children tell what their father is good at!
Tänään vietetään Suomessa isänpäivää. Katso videolta mitä lapset kertovat isästään.
Wikipedia: isänpäivä, Father’s Day.
Today, 10.11.2013 is Father’s day in Finland. Watch this video where children tell what their father is good at!
Tänään vietetään Suomessa isänpäivää. Katso videolta mitä lapset kertovat isästään.
Wikipedia: isänpäivä, Father’s Day.
Video ei ole enää katsottavissa.
“Todays is fathers day in Finland”, sounds much simpler than “today Fathers day is celibrated in Finland”
I am sure it must be possible to produce interesting simple finnish for foreigners that is easier to read than what is typically described as helpposuomea. Not everybody is a language genius and Finnish is known to be a difficult language.